I spent the morning on the strand in Manhattan Beach. It's my favorite place to go on a walk. There was a lot of activity today. I saw a lot of other dogs who were out on walks. Some "roasted" at me. Lots of barking and lunging. I was on my best behavior and managed to stay out of trouble. I get really anxious when other dogs get in my personal space. I like to protect my family and prefer that other dogs keep their distance. If I want to sniff them, I prefer to approach. I went to my friend Snow's house to say "hi". She was up on her balcony getting some sun and checking out the view. I feel bad for Snow because her mom always keeps her inside. She never gets to come down and play. I know she wants to come down and tussle. My dad has a secret whistle that he makes when we walk by her house. She always runs out on her balcony when we are waiting for her. Here is a picture of Snow out on her balcony. She's very pretty.
What a top dog!
Dear Dirty,
I hope you remember that we have a beach up here in SF that you have enjoyed with your old friend, Lou and of course Sweetie is always wondering when you will return so she can bark at you from her safe position on the back side of our fence.
Love, Gram and Gramps in SF
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