Monday, March 24, 2008

Spring is here

I am so happy spring is here. I had such a fun Easter weekend. I went to the beach on Saturday and Sunday. The weather was perfect and all of the roasters were out. Unfortunately, my friends were out of town, but I did see some familiar faces like Louie the lab. I have a favorite garden that I love to run through because it has tons of whispies. They feel so good against my coat. The lawn is really soft and I love to dig and spread my scent. Mom and dad always laugh when I "sail" over the whispies when it's time to go. Here are some pictures of me in the whispie garden on Easter.

I also went to Boggs' house on Saturday. I was pretty tired after the beach and didn't get a long nap, but we had a lot of fun. He has a wild bunny that lives in the bushes and I finally got to see it. Bunny was sitting on the front lawn and I could see him from Boggs' command post and through the backyard gate. I roasted at mom the entire time we were there because I wanted to go out and see bunny. She let me out, but only after making sure bunny was not in the backyard. I still found bunny's rabbit hole and all of his hiding spots. I told Boggs to keep an eye on bunny until the next time I visit.

I hope all of my friends had a nice Easter weekend.

1 comment:

nmaffei said...

Dear Dirty,

Happy Spring! What a wonderful time you had this past Easter weekend.

We are enjoying the birth of spring here too. I bought our birds a new recycled bird feeder made out of old milk jugs. Unfortunately the better weather has lured "Annie Cat" into our backyard again and I'm afraid she might have attacked one of our birds as feathers are strewn all over our grass. The birds are now very leery of coming to the feeder and one always serves as a lookout just like when you are here and racing around our yard.

Also, in GG Park, the chipmunks are busy digging again and I know you will enjoy the challenge of trying to out-dig them the next time you come up to SF.

Thats about it for now.

Love, Grams